  1. Create an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account - Make a note of your account ID. It will be a 12-digit numeric code that serves as your username.
    • Please note: you will be asked to input credit card information at this time. This is intended to verify your identity, and your card will not be charged.
  2. Receive access to your project’s data - send your account ID to
    • Data is stored in AWS’s S3 service (Simple Storage Service): AWS's S3 Service
    • Data is segmented into buckets. Your data will be in a bucket named study_name-delivery.
  3. Download your data - Once the support team has linked your AWS account number with your data bucket, they will give you a URL to access your data. You can view some metadata and download individual files via the console in the browser, but in order to fully interact with your data, you will need to download it using your machine’s command line:
    • Install AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) on the machine where you plan to download the data. Instructions
    • Configure AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI):
      • This will involve inputting your access key + secret access key, which you can create from “My Security Credentials.” More information about managing your security credentials here.
      • You’ll also need to set your region as us-west-2 (for US clients). If you are not in the US, please contact us to find out what region you should use.
      • Full instructions here.
    • Decide where on your machine you plan to download your data and note the complete, absolute path (e.g. /Users/username/studyname/data/raw/id_delivery). This path is the destination referenced below. Note that data in your S3 bucket will be further segmented into deliveries identified by a delivery ID, so you may want to download the data to separate directories by delivery as well.
    • Open your command line program (e.g. Apple Terminal or Windows Powershell as an administrator) and enter the command aws s3 sync s3://study_name-delivery/id_delivery destination, replacing values as follows:
      • study_name is your study’s name in all lowercase letters, typically the same as it was on the EARS Dashboard
      • id_delivery is the delivery identifier specified by the EARS team (viewable in the S3 AWS console via the browser, and usually the date of the delivery as YYYY-MM-DD)
      • destination is the absolute path determined above
      • Note: The aws s3 sync command will sync data to the destination you specify, so if you downloaded part of your data previously to the same destination, only new files that do not exist in the destination will be downloaded. For more information on the aws s3 sync command, please see the AWS documentation here.
      • Please note that there is a cost for downloads, so we ask that you only download the data once per research site.
  4. Notify Ksana when:
    • You have downloaded the data completely. At that point we will remove access.
    • If you would like us to copy the bucket to your AWS account for indefinite storage and additional downloads.